Do Eye Exercises Really Work?

You exercise your body, but did you know you should also exercise your eyes? Your optometrist in Greensburg, PA, will tell you that, yes, in fact, eye exercises will help improve your eyesight. So here they are. These are the exercises you should do if you want to improve your eyesight.


Highly Effective Eye Exercises That Will Help Improve Your Eyesight

Aside from scheduling your annual routine eye exam in Greensburg, PA, eye exercises are the next best thing you can do for your eye health.


Figure Eight

This eye exercise increases eye flexibility and strengthens your eye muscles.

Focus your eyes on a point about 10 feet from you. Then, use the movement of your eyes to trace an imaginary figure eight on the wall.



This eye exercise will help reduce eye fatigue while relaxing your eye muscles.

Warm your palms by rubbing them together. Then, close your eyes and put your warmed palms over them until all images still present disappear.



This eye exercise helps keep your eyes lubricated.

Take small breaks throughout the day to concentrate on blinking multiple times. To do this, close your eyes and pause there for a few seconds before you open them again. Do this several times in a row.


The 20-20-20 Rule

This eye exercise will help reduce eye strain if you spend lots of time in front of a digital screen.

Take a break from looking at your digital screen every 20 minutes. Look at an object you see off in the distance. An object that is at least 20 feet away from you. Look at it for 20 seconds. Repeat this throughout the day.

There are plenty more eye exercises. These are just a few to help get you started.


Looking for An Optometrist in Greensburg, PA?

Nothing is more important than your eyesight. So don’t put off your regular eye exams. Please Contact Lappen Eye Care today to schedule your next routine exam. We have a full suite of eye products and services to help you maintain your optical health. 


Do Carrots Really Help Your Vision?

You’ve probably heard your entire life that carrots help your vision. But do they really? Or is this just a bunch of hooey? Of course, you can always ask your optometrist in Pittsburgh, PA. But why wait? Keep reading to learn the truth about carrots and your vision.

The answer is yes and no. Carrots can’t improve your vision. So you can’t eat lots of carrots and expect to get 20/20 vision. But eating carrots can actually help the vision you already have. Keep reading to learn more.


How Carrots Help Your Vision

Carrots contain vitamins that will help promote eye health. They contain beta-carotene, which your body uses to convert vitamin A, an essential vitamin for your eyes. In fact, if you lack a significant amount of vitamin A, it could lead to blindness.

Vitamin A can also help prevent the formation of cataracts and macular degeneration. So we would say carrots are a pretty important vegetable for your eye health, wouldn’t you?


Will Carrots Restore Vision to the Blind?

Unfortunately, if your vision issues aren’t caused by a lack of vitamin A, eating loads of carrots will not help.


The Best Foods for Eye Health

If you want to help maintain your eye health, concentrate on eating plenty of these foods.

  • Fish that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids
  • Red peppers (raw)
  • Dark leafy vegetables (kale, spinach, etc.)
  • Carrots, of course!
  • Lean meats and poultry
  • Seeds (chia, flax, hemp, etc.)
  • Eggs
  • Beans and legumes
  • Broccoli
  • Brussels sprouts

And to top it all off, make sure you drink plenty of water.


Looking for an Optometrist in Pittsburgh, PA?

Keeping your eyes healthy will mean a lifetime of enjoying all the beauty that surrounds us. And the best way to keep your eyes healthy is to see an optometrist regularly. Please Contact Lappen Eye Care today to schedule your next eye exam. We want to help you to keep your eyes as bright as possible now and going forward!

The Worst Things You Can Do When Something is in Your Eye

Everyone gets something in their eye once in a while, but what you do afterward makes all the difference. If you take the wrong steps, you can worsen the situation or even damage your eye. Your eye doctor in Pittsburgh, PA, wants you to know the worst things you can do when something is in your eye so you don’t make these mistakes.

Rubbing the Eye
Your instinct may be to rub your eye, but doing so can scratch your cornea. The cornea is the outermost layer of the eye. If the foreign object is abrasive, you’d be rubbing that material against your delicate cornea, and you don’t want to do that.

Using Tools to Extract the Object
The last thing you should do is use tweezers or other sharp objects to try to “grab” the object to remove it. This can damage your eye and possibly even cause vision loss.

Rinsing With Tap Water
Cupping water in your clean hand and rinsing the eye is a good idea, but only if you use distilled water. Tap water, drinking water, and even purified water could contain bacteria, microbes, and other things that could infect your eye. If you don’t have distilled water, you can use saline solution, which is commonly used for contact lenses.

Pulling at It
If the object is long and you can grab one end of it, you still don’t want to do that. Instead, head straight to your eye doctor’s office. Otherwise, you risk severely damaging your eye.

If you have something in your eye, you should contact your eye doctor for emergency eye services in Pittsburgh, PA. Contact us today for help or to get your questions answered.

Can Near-Sightedness Lead to Lazy Eye?

Can Near-Sightedness Lead to Lazy Eye?

Nearsightedness and lazy eye are common conditions in Pennsylvania. If you’re wondering if there’s a connection between the two, it’s worth understanding how they both work and whether one can lead to the other.

How Lazy Eye Works 

The human body has a way of compensating for deficiencies, and your eyes are no exception. If one eye is stronger, the brain will suppress the signals from the weaker eye. If a person is nearsighted in both eyes at roughly the same prescription, then it’s very unlikely that they’ll develop a lazy eye in McMurray, PA. However, the odds go up if one eye is significantly more nearsighted than the other.

Tips for Monitoring Both Conditions 

Many people diagnosed with myopia (nearsightedness) will never have to worry about a lazy eye. The biggest risk factor is severity. The more uneven the condition, the more likely it is to lead to a lazy eye. Kids and adults with extreme nearsightedness in both eyes may develop strabismus. This is a condition where the two eyes point in different directions and can lead to lazy eyes.

It’s important to notice where the child’s eyes are pointing and whether they’re straining to see what’s around them. You should also be in touch with your optometrist in McMurray, PA. A reputable doctor will record the symptoms and the changes so they can accurately assess the risks.

Where to Treat a Lazy Eye in McMurray, PA 

Luckily, there are ways to correct everything from lazy eye to myopia. At Lappen Eye Care, with locations in Greensburg, Pittsburgh, and McMurray, our staff can tell you more about which treatments will work best. To learn more or to schedule an evaluation, contact us today.

Make 2024 the Year to Support Your Visual Health!

With a new year just over the horizon, there is no better time to decide if it is time to schedule your annualeye exam in Pittsburgh, PA. However, there is also no better time to start considering what you can do differently in the coming year to support your visual health. Take a look at these changes you can resolve to make during New Year’s to be kinder to your vision and protect your eyes for the long term.

1. Prioritize Learning About Eye Health Risks
Consider taking a few minutes occasionally to educate yourself about the various eye health conditions that may be more of a threat to you. For example, if you have a family history of glaucoma, it can be helpful to learn about the risk factors of glaucoma and how you can lower the risks for yourself.

2. Embrace Healthy Vision Habits
As part of your New Year’s resolutions, consider adopting healthy vision habits. These include practicing the 20-20-20 rule to reduce eye strain during prolonged screen time, ensuring proper lighting in your workspace, and wearing protective eyewear in situations that pose a risk to your eyes.

3. Reevaluate Digital Device Usage
As we enter the new year, consider reassessing your digital device habits. Extended screen time can contribute to digital eye strain, whether for work or leisure. Adjusting screen brightness, using blue light filters, and taking breaks can help alleviate strain and reduce potential long-term effects on your vision.

Start the New Year Off by Being Good to Your Eyes with a Visit to a Pittsburgh Eye Doctor
APittsburgh optometrist can guide you on the path to optimal eye health, ensuring that you start the new year with a clear vision and a proactive approach to caring for your eyes. Take the first step towards a vision-friendly year by scheduling your annual eye exam at Lappen Eye Care.

Hydration Hacks for Dry Eyes: Beyond Water and Eye Drops

Of all the ocular health conditions people face, dry eyes are one of the most common reasons for seekingmedical eye care in Pittsburgh, PA. While the top two recommendations for dry eye management always include hydration and good eye drops, other hacks can also help. Check out these less-mentioned ideas for managing your dry eye issues.

1. Check Your Environment for Chemicals
Chemicals and air pollutants can contribute to dry eye symptoms. For example, if you frequently use home fragrance products or perfume, these products contain chemicals that can irritate your eyes. If you have ongoing issues even with hydration and eye drops, take a look at pollutants in your environment that could be to blame.

2. Monitor Allergen Exposure
Seasonal allergies can affect your eyes, even contributing to dry, irritated eyes. Therefore, if you have ongoing issues with dry eyes, consider if exposure to allergens would be to blame. For instance, pet dander and dust may be to blame if you are known to have allergy sensitivities to these often airborne compounds.

3. Wear Sunglasses
Some people can have a higher sensitivity to UV light than others, and this heightened sensitivity can exacerbate dry eye symptoms. In some cases, no UV protection can cause excessive tearing, which in turn can cause issues with dry and tired eyes. Therefore, be sure to wear UV-protective sunglasses when in the sun.

Discuss Other Dry Eye Solutions with a Pittsburgh Optometrist
Dry eyes can be aggravating, but there are solutions that a Pittsburgh eye doctor can offer that can help. If you struggle with dry eyes, be sure to reach out to the team at Lappen Eye Care to schedule an appointment.

Contact Lens Care 101: Best Practices for Comfort and Hygiene

For many patients,contact lenses in Pittsburgh, PA, are one of the most desirable paths to better vision. However, if you are a contact lens wearer, taking good care of your lenses must become a stationary part of your everyday routine. Take a look at these best practices for comfort and hygiene below.

1. Only install clean contact lenses
Always make sure contact lenses have been properly cleaned with an approved contact lens cleaning solution before installing them. Small particles, most of which are impossible to see with the naked eye, like bacteria, can linger on the lens and cause the risk of infection.

2. Remove contacts before swimming and bathing
Make it a habit to take out your lenses before showering, bathing, or swimming. Splashes of water can contain bacteria that can get trapped behind the lenses.

3. Keep your hands clean when removing and installing lenses
Just as you need to have clean lenses, you also need clean hands. Bacteria can transfer from the fingers to the clean lens during installation. So, before touching the cleaned lenses, be sure to wash your hands well with an antibacterial soap.

4. Replace contact lenses as recommended
Contact lenses will need to be replaced at different intervals depending on the type. For example, some lenses are only meant to be worn for one day and then replaced, while others may be wearable for a few days as long as they are properly cleaned between wears.

Discuss Proper Contact Lens Hygiene with a Pittsburgh Optometrist
Contact lenses can bring a few added steps to your daily routine. However, when you follow the recommendations of aPittsburgh dentist, these optic solutions can make a dramatic difference in everyday life. Reach out to the team at Lappen Eye Care with questions.

Do I Need Scleral Lenses?

If you wear contact lenses in Pittsburgh, PA, you may have heard about scleral lenses. Scleral lenses aren’t called contact lenses because they don’t make contact with the eyes like regular contacts. They’re a special kind of lens designed for people with particular vision irregularities. It’s not possible for you to determine on your own whether you need scleral lenses; only an optometrist can do that. But the following is some helpful information about this special lens type.

Who Needs Scleral Lenses?
People with Keratoconus
Keratoconus causes a cone-like bulge on the cornea, leading to distorted vision. Scleral lenses are often the best solution for this condition, providing a smooth optical surface.

People with Severe Dry Eyes
Because of the tear reservoir between the lens and the cornea, scleral lenses can provide relief for patients with severely dry eyes.

People with Post-Corneal Transplant
Post-transplant patients often struggle with irregular astigmatism, which scleral lenses can effectively correct.

People Uncomfortable with Traditional Contacts
If traditional contact lenses are uncomfortable or continually dislodge from your eyes, scleral lenses may offer a more comfortable and stable alternative.

What Are Scleral Lenses?
Scleral lenses are contact lenses that have an extra-large diameter. They cover a larger portion of the eye compared to regular contact lenses. They rest atop the white part of the eye, which is called the sclera. This is why scleral lenses have their name. The unique position creates a tear-filled kind of vault over the cornea. This unique design is particularly beneficial for individuals with specific corneal irregularities or severe dry eye syndrome.

Even if you fall into one of the categories mentioned above, you shouldn’t try to determine whether you should get scleral lenses. But if you are curious, you can ask youroptometrist in Pittsburgh, PA, at your next appointment.

For more information about the different kinds of contact lenses available for you or to make an appointment for an eye exam, please contact us today.

What Is Optic Neuritis?

Optic neuritis is usually a temporary condition that’s caused by swelling of the optic nerve due to multiple sclerosis, lupus, or other types of infection. Because it’s responsible for carrying the signals that interpret images to your brain, a swollen optic nerve may affect your vision. To learn more about this sometimes painful eye condition, talk with your eye doctor in Pittsburgh, PA.

Is Optic Neuritis Always Temporary?

Optic neuritis will go away once it has been treated, and vision usually returns to normal. However, there are instances when the vision loss caused by swelling of the optic nerve becomes permanent. For this reason, it’s vital to see your eye doctor if you’re experiencing any unusual changes in vision.

What Are the Symptoms of Optic Neuritis?

Signs and symptoms of optic neuritis include:

  • Dull ache behind the eye that worsens with eye movement
  • Difficulty distinguishing between colors
  • Peripheral vision loss
  • Loss of vision in one eye
  • Sensation of flashing or flickering lights

One or more of these warning signs could indicate optic neuritis, or they could be early indicators of another serious disorder. Book an appointment with your eye doctor in Pittsburgh, PA, if you’re experiencing vision problems.

What Can Be Done to Treat Optic Neuritis?

Your eye doctor may be able to treat instances of optic neuritis with steroid medications. In more serious cases, plasma exchange therapy may help you recover lost vision, though this treatment is still in its early stages. The key to having a positive outcome is an early diagnosis. This may prevent serious or permanent vision loss in some patients.

Help for Optic Neuritis in Pittsburgh, PA

Lappen Eye Care provides diagnosis and treatment of eye conditions such as optic neuritis in Pittsburg, PA. Our friendly and experienced eye professionals are waiting to talk with you. Call today to schedule a consultation.

3 Questions to Ask Your Eye Doctor At the Next Visit

If you have glasses or an eye condition, then you likely see the eye doctor every one or two years. Your eye appointments are a chance to ask your eye doctor questions that can keep you informed about your eye health. Before you go to your next eye exam in Pittsburgh and the surrounding area, give some thought to the types of questions that you might like to ask your eye doctor. Below are three examples of questions that could help you understand your eye health.
1. Will My Eye Condition or Prescription Change Over Time?
Prescriptions and eye conditions change over time. If you have an eye condition that may worsen, it’s helpful to know what changes in eyesight or eye health you can anticipate, so you can be on the lookout for symptoms and signs that it’s time to go back to the eye doctor.
2. What Lifestyle Changes Can I Make to Promote Good Eye Health?
Some habits, like smoking and drinking, can contribute to poor eye health over time. Your eye doctor can coach you on the changes that you can make to ensure good eye health with time.
3. When Should I Come Back for My Next Visit?
Some people need to see the eye doctor every year, some come back every two years – or even less often. Have a conversation with your eye doctor to find out when you should return to the eye doctor’s office for your next checkup.
Is it time to make an appointment with your eye doctor in Pittsburgh and the surrounding area? Contact Lappen Eye Care to get your next appointment on the schedule.