Optimizing Eye Health at Home
Your optometrist in Pittsburgh, PA uses the latest technology to protect your vision. But did you know there are many things you can do at home to optimize your eye health? Eyesight is a precious gift, so it makes sense to take every possible step to preserve your vision!
Eat a Balanced Diet
A balanced diet not only helps your overall health; it also supports healthy eyes. This is the best way to ensure you get adequate amounts of all the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that your eyes and brain need for optimized eye health.
Always Use Proper Lighting
Indoors or out, always make sure you have sufficient lighting for your activity. While reading or doing other close-up activities like sewing, doing jigsaw puzzles or something else, use a task light plus an overhead light. Ensuring adequate lighting while reading, working, or doing any close-up tasks can prevent eye strain.
Limit Screen Time
It’s becoming harder and harder to limit screen time, but it must be done. Screens emit blue light, which is very hard on the eyes. Try to choose books over tablets, and board games over game apps. Also, did you know that you don’t blink as much when you’re looking at screens? This can lead to dry eyes and eye fatigue. Take 10-minute breaks from looking at the screen, every 20 minutes. During this time, look at things in the distance (such as looking out a window), so your eyes aren’t only focusing on close-up things 100% of the time.
Wear Protective Eyewear
Wearing protective eyewear during activities that pose a risk to your eyes, such as using power tools or playing certain sports, is crucial. Additionally, sunglasses with UV protection should be worn outdoors to shield your eyes from harmful ultraviolet rays.
Finally, be sure to have regular eye exams in Pittsburgh, PA with your optometrist. In this way, potential problems can be caught and addressed as soon as possible.