Why Are My Eyelashes Falling Out?

Just like the hairs on your head, eyelashes sometimes fall out and then regrow. But again, like the hair on your head, you shouldn’t have so much eyelash fallout that you’re left with sparse or no eyelashes at all. Eyelashes are there to protect your eyes from debris. If your eyelashes noticeably fall out, you may want to talk to your eye doctor in Pittsburgh, PA, about possible underlying causes.

Allergic Reactions
You may not have any other allergies but still have an allergic reaction to facial cosmetics and creams. Experiment with going makeup-free to see if your eyelashes stop falling out at the same pace.

Nutritional Deficiency
Believe it or not, your eyelashes need nutrients to grow and be healthy. Not having enough of certain nutrients or not having enough in your diet can actually lead to eyelash loss.

Excess Alcohol and/or Nicotine
Both alcohol and nicotine block nutrients from being absorbed into the body. If you drink too much or smoke—including vaping—you could be robbing your eyelash follicles of essential nutrients. Consider making different lifestyle choices to find out if this improves in your eyelashes’ health.

Makeup and Cosmetic Practices
Wearing a lot of eye makeup or using eye creams and false eyelashes can affect your natural lashes. Although it seems negligible, the tugging, pulling, and friction from eye cosmetic applicators can exacerbate eyelash shedding. Using old or expired makeup can also cause infections.

Eyelid Infections
Conditions such as blepharitis, an inflammation of the eyelid margins, can cause eyelash loss. Infections can damage eyelash follicles and disrupt normal growth.

In Pittsburgh, PA, medical eye care services are available at Lappen Eye Care. We also have offices in McMurray, Greensburg, and South Hills for your convenience. Contact us today to book your appointment.

Can You Get an Astigmatism from Pressing Your Fingers Against Your Eyes?

Astigmatism is caused by the wrong type of curve in the cornea. Known as a refractive error, up to one in three people in America have this condition, which can affect people of every age. If you’re wondering how you get the condition, we’ll look at how it works and the most common reasons for it.

Can You Cause an Astigmatism By Rubbing Your Eyes?
Yes. Because the pressure can change the shape of the eye, you may be able to causeastigmatism in South Hills, PA, from frequent rubbing or wiping of the eyes.

What to Know About Astigmatisms
Here are a few facts of note about astigmatisms:

Your cornea is supposed to be shaped more like a softball than a football. When it starts to look like a pigskin, it causes the light rays to change on the retina. This results in blurry vision.
An astigmatism can also occur to the eye’s lens if it has an irregular shape. Called lenticular astigmatism, the condition has the same results as standard astigmatism. It should be noted that an affected lens is far less common than an affected cornea.
You’re more likely to be diagnosed with astigmatism if you have far- or nearsightedness. (Also, sitting too close to the TV has nothing to do with astigmatism!)
Schedule an Evaluation with an Optometrist
In some cases, particularly with infants, astigmatism will clear up independently. However, for most people, it’s a more permanent problem. If you’re experiencing changes in your vision, schedule an appointment with aneye doctor in South Hills, PA, today. At Lappen Eye Care, with locations in Pittsburgh, Greensburg, McMurray, and South Hills, we can tell you if you have an astigmatism and what likely caused it.

3 Signs Your Eyeglasses Don’t Fit

If youreyeglasses in Pittsburgh, PA, are constantly slipping off of your face, you don’t have to wonder whether they don’t fit. However, there are subtler signs that your eyeglasses either need to be adjusted or simply aren’t a good match for your face. We’ll look at a few reasons you might need to stop by your optometrist’s office or optics provider.

If your glasses don’t fit, it can misplace the optical center of the lenses. If you cannot see through the right part of your lenses, you may find yourself straining to make out everything from letters to shapes in the distance. You may also experience headaches due to all the squinting.

Crooked Frames
Crooked frames are a sign that the fit is off, likely because the frames were bent or otherwise warped in some way. Frames should sit even and level on your face. You can always check your reflection if your friends or family haven’t mentioned that your eyeglasses are crooked.

Nose Pad Marks
You might be surprised at just how many people have tight glasses without realizing it. This is because you can become used to practically any sensation during the day, particularly if it’s not urgent pressure. Of course, your face won’t lie, so if you have bright red marks from the nose pads, your glasses are too tight. You may also get headaches if the pressure around your temples builds up.

See an Optometrist in Pittsburgh, PA
A reputableoptometrist in Pittsburgh, PA, will look at more than just the fit of the frames. When the goal is to see better, they’ll recommend a pair of eyewear that will sit level and stay level so you always know what you’re looking at. At Lappen Eye Care, we’ll help you find the right pair for you.

Does My Child Need Another Pair of Glasses?

When you’re on a budget, you don’t want to overspend if you don’t have to. It’s why many parents purchase only one pair of glasses for their child for the year. However, there are a few reasons why you may want to be more proactive regarding their vision.

How Prescriptions Change Over Time
Adults and children alike experience changes to their vision as they age. However, children may experience bigger changes in shorter time periods. If your child is constantly squinting or complaining that they can’t see, this is an obvious reason to take them to anoptometrist in Greensburg, PA.

If the prescription has changed more subtly, it may not be as noticeable to either of you. When some children may need glasses in just six months, it’s important to pay attention to the signs. If they seem to struggle to make out shapes or read smaller words, they may need a new pair of glasses. Of course, you can keep the frames and change the lenses in this case (even if your child wants an entirely new pair).

The Nature of Children
Beyond the need for a new prescription, there are also general considerations to factor in. Children’s eyeglasses are designed to be strong enough to handle a little rough-and-tumble. Of course, even if they’re titanium-strong, they’re not indestructible. Plus, children have a tendency to grow, which can causeeyeglasses in Greensburg, PA, to become null-and-void.

See an Eye Doctor in Greensburg
Some parents might see their eye doctor more than once yearly because their child is changing. Others may just do it to have an extra set on hand. No matter why you’re looking for a new pair, Lappen Eye Care is here to help.

Make 2024 the Year to Support Your Visual Health!

With a new year just over the horizon, there is no better time to decide if it is time to schedule your annualeye exam in Pittsburgh, PA. However, there is also no better time to start considering what you can do differently in the coming year to support your visual health. Take a look at these changes you can resolve to make during New Year’s to be kinder to your vision and protect your eyes for the long term.

1. Prioritize Learning About Eye Health Risks
Consider taking a few minutes occasionally to educate yourself about the various eye health conditions that may be more of a threat to you. For example, if you have a family history of glaucoma, it can be helpful to learn about the risk factors of glaucoma and how you can lower the risks for yourself.

2. Embrace Healthy Vision Habits
As part of your New Year’s resolutions, consider adopting healthy vision habits. These include practicing the 20-20-20 rule to reduce eye strain during prolonged screen time, ensuring proper lighting in your workspace, and wearing protective eyewear in situations that pose a risk to your eyes.

3. Reevaluate Digital Device Usage
As we enter the new year, consider reassessing your digital device habits. Extended screen time can contribute to digital eye strain, whether for work or leisure. Adjusting screen brightness, using blue light filters, and taking breaks can help alleviate strain and reduce potential long-term effects on your vision.

Start the New Year Off by Being Good to Your Eyes with a Visit to a Pittsburgh Eye Doctor
APittsburgh optometrist can guide you on the path to optimal eye health, ensuring that you start the new year with a clear vision and a proactive approach to caring for your eyes. Take the first step towards a vision-friendly year by scheduling your annual eye exam at Lappen Eye Care.

Contact Lens Care 101: Best Practices for Comfort and Hygiene

For many patients,contact lenses in Pittsburgh, PA, are one of the most desirable paths to better vision. However, if you are a contact lens wearer, taking good care of your lenses must become a stationary part of your everyday routine. Take a look at these best practices for comfort and hygiene below.

1. Only install clean contact lenses
Always make sure contact lenses have been properly cleaned with an approved contact lens cleaning solution before installing them. Small particles, most of which are impossible to see with the naked eye, like bacteria, can linger on the lens and cause the risk of infection.

2. Remove contacts before swimming and bathing
Make it a habit to take out your lenses before showering, bathing, or swimming. Splashes of water can contain bacteria that can get trapped behind the lenses.

3. Keep your hands clean when removing and installing lenses
Just as you need to have clean lenses, you also need clean hands. Bacteria can transfer from the fingers to the clean lens during installation. So, before touching the cleaned lenses, be sure to wash your hands well with an antibacterial soap.

4. Replace contact lenses as recommended
Contact lenses will need to be replaced at different intervals depending on the type. For example, some lenses are only meant to be worn for one day and then replaced, while others may be wearable for a few days as long as they are properly cleaned between wears.

Discuss Proper Contact Lens Hygiene with a Pittsburgh Optometrist
Contact lenses can bring a few added steps to your daily routine. However, when you follow the recommendations of aPittsburgh dentist, these optic solutions can make a dramatic difference in everyday life. Reach out to the team at Lappen Eye Care with questions.

Can Your Eyes Get Sunburned?

If you spend any amount of time in the sun, you shouldn’t neglect protecting your eyes. It’s important to talk with your optometrist in Greensburg, PA, about how the sun can damage your eyes. Did you know your eyes could get sunburned? They can! Keep reading to learn more.

Can Your Eyes Get Sunburned?
Most people don’t realize their eyes can get sunburned. This is a condition called photokeratitis. Sunburned eyes are extremely painful and generally require urgent medical care. But fortunately, photokeratitis doesn’t usually lead to permanent blindness.

How Do You Know if Your Eyes Are Sunburned?
You will know if you have sunburned eyes if you have the following symptoms.

Severe eye pain after being in the sun.
Red eyes.
Gritty feeling eyes.
Swelling in your eyes.
Blurred vision.
Watery eyes.
Sensitivity to bright light.
Twitching eyelids.
You see halos.
How Do You Treat Sunburned Eyes?
If you have sunburned eyes, you will need to schedule an eye doctor exam in Greensburg, PA, immediately for a diagnosis and treatment. But while you are waiting for your eye doctor’s appointment, you can do the following to treat your sunburned eyes.

Take a cold, wet cloth compress and put it over your closed eyes. This will help reduce any eye pain and swelling you might have. You can also get some artificial tears eyedrops to lubricate your eyes. This will help ease the gritty feeling that comes from sunburned eyes. Additionally, you can take an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory such as ibuprofen. This will help reduce much of the eye irritation and inflammation that accompanies sunburned eyes.

Do You Need an Optometrist in Greenburg, PA?
If you need an optometrist in Greenburg, PA, please Contact Lappen Eye Care today. We offer a comfortable, relaxing environment where we treat everyone like family. And we have state-of-the-art equipment and technology to ensure you get the best dental care possible.

Is Smoking Bad For Your Eyes?

You may have heard that smoking is bad for you in a variety of ways, but did you know that smoking is bad for your eyes? It’s true! Smoking puts you at increased risk for a variety of problems, including certain conditions that can impact your visual health. If you smoke, it’s important to see your eye doctor in Pittsburgh and the surrounding area on a regular basis. Visiting the eye doctor can help catch some of those conditions before they become advanced. Here’s what you need to know.

Smoking Increases Risk of Certain Eye Conditions

Smoking can increase the risk of a variety of eye conditions, which may lead to vision loss or even blindness, depending on the type of condition, severity, and whether the condition is treated in its early stages. Some eye conditions that you may be at high risk for, if you smoke:

  • Age-related macular degeneration. You may be up to four times more likely to develop this condition, if you smoke.
  • Glaucoma. Smoking can increase your risk of high blood pressure, which increases your risk of glaucoma.
  • Cataracts. People who smoke heavily can be up to three times more likely to get cataracts compared to those who don’t smoke.
  • Dry eye syndrome. Dry eye syndrome is twice as likely to occur in smokers as non-smokers.

How to Keep Your Eyes Healthy if You Smoke

If you smoke, one of the ways you can help keep your eyes healthy is to get your eye exam in Pittsburgh from an experienced eye care professional. Make an appointment with Lappen Eye Care to find out more about keeping your eyes healthy.

What Are the Most Common Eye Disorders?

Worried about your vision? As we grow older and begin to experience the effects of normal aging, we often begin noticing changes in vision. We may need bifocals where we once had perfect eyesight, or we may have more difficulty reading small print. For most of us, it’s a simple fact of life, caused by growing older. However, sometimes there’s something more serious at work, which is why regular vision screenings with your optometrist in Pittsburgh, PA, are so important.

Refractive Errors

Refractive errors include near-sightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, and presbyopia. Most of us are familiar with near-sightedness and farsightedness. Usually, the answer to both is corrective lenses. Astigmatism is caused by an imperfection in the curvature of your eye’s cornea and causes blurry vision at all distances. Presbyopia, lastly, makes it difficult for your eyes to focus on objects that are close up. Eyeglasses or contact lenses can usually correct refractive errors.

Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)

This common eye condition related to aging causes a loss of central vision. You may also see straight lines as wavy. AMD is a result of damage to your eye’s macula — the part of your retina that allows you to see colors and fine details. Normal aging causes AMD in some people. Treatment includes making simple lifestyle changes, taking medication, and undergoing eye injections or laser treatment.


Cataracts happen when a cloud-like film develops over the lens of your eye, obscuring your vision. Many people develop cataracts as they age. Fortunately, they’re usually simple to treat through surgery that removes the cloudy lens and places an artificial one in its place.

Keeping regular appointments with your vision specialist can help with early detection of common eye disorders in Pittsburgh, PA. Call Lappen Eye Care today to schedule an appointment.

When Is It Time to See the Eye Doctor?

Do you know when it’s time to see the eye doctor in Pittsburgh? Knowing the signs of a problem and how often eye doctors recommend coming in for check-ups can help you take care of your eyes. Visiting the eye doctor on a regular basis is important. Your eye doctor can help you avoid chronic eye conditions and help ensure that you’ve got the right prescription lenses for your needs.

See the Eye Doctor on a Regular Basis
Many eye doctors recommend that adults get their eyes examined on a regular basis – whether they need corrective lenses or not. The reason it’s important to see the eye doctor, even if you don’t need corrective lenses, is that some eye conditions have no symptoms in the early stages.

Seeing the eye doctor can help you identify those conditions before they lead to permanent damage. After age 60, eye doctors recommend that patients without corrective lenses see the eye doctor every year or two. If you wear corrective lenses, see the eye doctor annually, regardless of your age, to find out if your prescription has changed.

When You Notice Signs of a Problem
See the eye doctor when you notice signs of a problem. Signs of a problem include:

Blurry vision
Dry eyes
Sensitivity to light
Spots in your vision
Eye pain
You Want New Glasses
Do you want new eye glasses in Pittsburgh? See the eye doctor! Your eye doctor will give you an eye exam. Once you have a new prescription, you can get new glasses.

Is It Time to See the Eye Doctor? Contact Lappen Eye Care
Make your next eye appointment with Lappen Eye Care. Call today!