Optimizing Eye Health at Home

Your optometrist in Pittsburgh, PA uses the latest technology to protect your vision. But did you know there are many things you can do at home to optimize your eye health? Eyesight is a precious gift, so it makes sense to take every possible step to preserve your vision!

Eat a Balanced Diet

A balanced diet not only helps your overall health; it also supports healthy eyes. This is the best way to ensure you get adequate amounts of all the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that your eyes and brain need for optimized eye health.

Always Use Proper Lighting

Indoors or out, always make sure you have sufficient lighting for your activity. While reading or doing other close-up activities like sewing, doing jigsaw puzzles or something else, use a task light plus an overhead light. Ensuring adequate lighting while reading, working, or doing any close-up tasks can prevent eye strain.

Limit Screen Time

It’s becoming harder and harder to limit screen time, but it must be done. Screens emit blue light, which is very hard on the eyes. Try to choose books over tablets, and board games over game apps. Also, did you know that you don’t blink as much when you’re looking at screens? This can lead to dry eyes and eye fatigue. Take 10-minute breaks from looking at the screen, every 20 minutes. During this time, look at things in the distance (such as looking out a window), so your eyes aren’t only focusing on close-up things 100% of the time.

Wear Protective Eyewear

Wearing protective eyewear during activities that pose a risk to your eyes, such as using power tools or playing certain sports, is crucial. Additionally, sunglasses with UV protection should be worn outdoors to shield your eyes from harmful ultraviolet rays.

Finally, be sure to have regular eye exams in Pittsburgh, PA with your optometrist. In this way, potential problems can be caught and addressed as soon as possible.

 Eye Floaters and the Home Remedy Myths Behind Them

Are you dealing with eye floaters? Many people bring up eye floaters during an eye exam in Pittsburgh, PA. However, one of the first things many patients do when these annoying disturbances in their field of vision develop is to look for home remedies on the internet. Unfortunately, eye floaters are not something that can be eradicated with most home remedies. Take a look below. 

Myth: Get More Sleep 

Getting ample rest is undeniably good for your vision, as your eyes get a prolonged amount of rest from focusing and light exposure. However, sleeping more is not something that can help with eye floaters once they have developed. 

Myth: Change Your Diet

Once floaters are present, there is little you can give your body to make them go away. Eating a nutrient-dense diet is always a good move for your visual health. And changing your diet could help to prevent further eye floater development. However, no nutrients have been proven to break down the floaters to eliminate them. 

Myth: Use Warm/Cold Compresses 

Warm or cold compresses are one of the first recommendations most people come across when searching for information about how to get rid of eye floaters. While warm or cool compresses can be good for other issues like blepharitis or conjunctival inflammation, they won’t do anything for eye floaters. These collections of vessels are suspended in the vitreous fluid of the eye where exterior treatment with warm or cool compresses will not matter. 

Discuss Issues with Eye Floaters with a Pittsburgh Optometrist 

While eye floaters are not likely to go away with home remedies, there may be options available that can help. Procedures like vitrectomy and vitreolysis are two common recommendations for severe cases. Reach out to our Pittsburgh optometry office to schedule an appointment. 


What’s Causing My Eyes to Itch?

Do your eyes itch seasonally or throughout the year? Understanding the cause of the itching and what you can do to alleviate it can help you stay comfortable. Your eye doctor in the Pittsburgh area can help.


What Causes Itchy Eyes?

Although many things can cause eyes to itch, the most common cause is allergies. Allergy to pollen affects many people at specific times of the year. Pet dander is another allergy that can cause eyes to become itchy.

Some people are allergic to lotions or makeup. Irritants in the environment like smoke and dust can cause eyes to become itchy. Some people even get itchy eyes because of their contact lens solution.


How to Find The Cause

While you may be able to identify the cause of your itchy eyes through trial and error, an allergist can help as well. Allergists perform tests to find out what patients are allergic to, so they can take steps to protect themselves.


How to Alleviate the Itching

Never rub itchy eyes. Rubbing your eyes can cause injury and can cause further irritation.

If you’re allergic to something in the environment, try to limit your exposure. Close your windows to keep out pollen and increase your cleaning regimen at home. Change your sheets often. Artificial tears can help as well.


Have Dry Eyes? Contact Your Eye Doctor

Some people get itchy eyes because of a condition called “dry eye.” Dry eye can be caused by medications and medical conditions. If you have severe dry eye, your eye doctor can help. See the eye doctor at Lappen Eye Care for an eye exam in the Pittsburgh area. Call today to make an appointment.

Do Eye Exercises Really Work?

You exercise your body, but did you know you should also exercise your eyes? Your optometrist in Greensburg, PA, will tell you that, yes, in fact, eye exercises will help improve your eyesight. So here they are. These are the exercises you should do if you want to improve your eyesight.


Highly Effective Eye Exercises That Will Help Improve Your Eyesight

Aside from scheduling your annual routine eye exam in Greensburg, PA, eye exercises are the next best thing you can do for your eye health.


Figure Eight

This eye exercise increases eye flexibility and strengthens your eye muscles.

Focus your eyes on a point about 10 feet from you. Then, use the movement of your eyes to trace an imaginary figure eight on the wall.



This eye exercise will help reduce eye fatigue while relaxing your eye muscles.

Warm your palms by rubbing them together. Then, close your eyes and put your warmed palms over them until all images still present disappear.



This eye exercise helps keep your eyes lubricated.

Take small breaks throughout the day to concentrate on blinking multiple times. To do this, close your eyes and pause there for a few seconds before you open them again. Do this several times in a row.


The 20-20-20 Rule

This eye exercise will help reduce eye strain if you spend lots of time in front of a digital screen.

Take a break from looking at your digital screen every 20 minutes. Look at an object you see off in the distance. An object that is at least 20 feet away from you. Look at it for 20 seconds. Repeat this throughout the day.

There are plenty more eye exercises. These are just a few to help get you started.


Looking for An Optometrist in Greensburg, PA?

Nothing is more important than your eyesight. So don’t put off your regular eye exams. Please Contact Lappen Eye Care today to schedule your next routine exam. We have a full suite of eye products and services to help you maintain your optical health. 


At Risk for Glaucoma? Signs to Watch For

Glaucoma is a condition that can do lasting damage to your eyes. In fact, glaucoma that is caught too late can cause permanent vision loss. Everyone is at risk for glaucoma, but some people have a higher level of risk than others. Seeing an eye doctor in Pittsburgh and the surrounding area on a regular basis can help protect you from this condition.

Who Is At Risk?

Many people are at risk for glaucoma. Below are some of the characteristics that can put you at particular risk for this condition:

  • Members of your family have had glaucoma
  • You have diabetes
  • You’ve been taking steroids for a long time
  • You’re over age 40
  • You have an old eye injury
  • You have low blood pressure or high blood pressure
  • You’re of Latino, African, Asian, and Hispanic descent


Signs of Glaucoma

The signs of glaucoma can be subtle, and depending on the type of glaucoma, there may be no signs at all until some vision loss has already occurred. If you have glaucoma, here’s what to watch for:

  • Eye pain
  • Patchy blind spots
  • Nausea
  • Halos around lights
  • Severe headache or eye pain


Why It’s Important to See the Eye Doctor

It’s very important to catch glaucoma in its early stages. Catching it late could mean vision loss, and these effects cannot be reversed. The Glaucoma Foundation recommends that everyone over 40 years old see their eye doctor for a comprehensive vision exam every three to four years.

Do you need an eye exam in Pittsburgh and the surrounding area? The professionals at Lappen Eye Care can help. We provide comprehensive vision exams to patients. Call today to make an appointment.

Do Carrots Really Help Your Vision?

You’ve probably heard your entire life that carrots help your vision. But do they really? Or is this just a bunch of hooey? Of course, you can always ask your optometrist in Pittsburgh, PA. But why wait? Keep reading to learn the truth about carrots and your vision.

The answer is yes and no. Carrots can’t improve your vision. So you can’t eat lots of carrots and expect to get 20/20 vision. But eating carrots can actually help the vision you already have. Keep reading to learn more.


How Carrots Help Your Vision

Carrots contain vitamins that will help promote eye health. They contain beta-carotene, which your body uses to convert vitamin A, an essential vitamin for your eyes. In fact, if you lack a significant amount of vitamin A, it could lead to blindness.

Vitamin A can also help prevent the formation of cataracts and macular degeneration. So we would say carrots are a pretty important vegetable for your eye health, wouldn’t you?


Will Carrots Restore Vision to the Blind?

Unfortunately, if your vision issues aren’t caused by a lack of vitamin A, eating loads of carrots will not help.


The Best Foods for Eye Health

If you want to help maintain your eye health, concentrate on eating plenty of these foods.

  • Fish that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids
  • Red peppers (raw)
  • Dark leafy vegetables (kale, spinach, etc.)
  • Carrots, of course!
  • Lean meats and poultry
  • Seeds (chia, flax, hemp, etc.)
  • Eggs
  • Beans and legumes
  • Broccoli
  • Brussels sprouts

And to top it all off, make sure you drink plenty of water.


Looking for an Optometrist in Pittsburgh, PA?

Keeping your eyes healthy will mean a lifetime of enjoying all the beauty that surrounds us. And the best way to keep your eyes healthy is to see an optometrist regularly. Please Contact Lappen Eye Care today to schedule your next eye exam. We want to help you to keep your eyes as bright as possible now and going forward!

Do Ultra-Processed Foods Cause Glaucoma?

There was a recent study performed that showed a potential link between ultra-processed foods and glaucoma, which may lead people to ask if a diet rich in these foods could cause the condition. We’ll look at the facts of the case, and why it’s important to watch what you eat if you want to protect your eyes. 

Blood Glucose Levels 

The study saw that the association between glaucoma and ultra-processed foods was notable in both men and older adults. The hypothesis from researchers was that ultra-processed foods increase blood glucose levels, which could lead to this notorious nerve disorder. The study pointed out sweet foods as a particular culprit. 

Lifestyle and Glaucoma 

Glaucoma in Pittsburgh, PA, is a particularly tricky disease. It’s hard to know who will develop it and how badly it will manifest in the individual. There are also no guarantees when it comes to prevention. Unfortunately, some people can lead perfectly healthy lives and still end up with fluid issues and subsequent nerve damage. 

Regardless of these uncertainties, there have been enough studies done to draw a link between unhealthy lifestyle choices and glaucoma. Cutting back on processed foods, getting more sleep, and getting more exercise can all have a huge impact on your overall well-being and may reduce your odds of developing glaucoma. 

Glaucoma in Pittsburgh, PA 

If you’re looking for an optometrist in Pittsburgh, PA, with enough experience to treat your ever-changing eyes, it’s important to look for a staff with the best reputation. At Lappen Eye Care, with locations in Pittsburgh, McMurray, and Greensburg, our practice is built to help your vision thrive. Whether you could stand to make a few changes to your diet or not, we’re here to help you keep your eyes as healthy as possible.

What Is Rhodopsin, and How Does It Help Night Vision?

If you’re looking to improve yournight vision in Greensburg, PA, you’re certainly not alone. The harder it is to see in the dark, the more you have to change your routine to fit your new reality. While you can’t stop the progression of time, you may be able to make a few lifestyle changes to slow the process. We’ll look at what rhodopsin is and the role it plays in how well you can make out objects when the lights go down.

What Is Rhodopsin?

Rhodopsin is a type of protein that lives in your retina. It absorbs light by breaking up the particles before sending the signals to the brain. Your body can make rhodopsin at any time, but it happens most when you’re in a dark room or in a place without a lot of light pollution. It takes about 45 minutes for your eyes to generate the protein, which is why it takes a while for your eyes to adjust from light to dark.

How to Have More Rhodopsin 

Sleep and darkness are both great for regenerating rhodopsin. You can also focus on getting more vitamin A in your diet, which is an essential building block for rhodopsin. Add more carrots, leafy greens, and sweet potatoes to breakfasts, lunches, and dinners to get the beta-carotene you need to make enough vitamin A.

See an Eye Doctor in Greensburg, PA

Your night vision is as important as your daytime vision. If you’re starting to find it more difficult to drive or make out objects in a room when the sun goes down, contact Lappen Eye Care to make an appointment with aneye doctor in Greensburg, PA. Our staff can give you the information you need to keep you safe.

Why Are My Eyelashes Falling Out?

Just like the hairs on your head, eyelashes sometimes fall out and then regrow. But again, like the hair on your head, you shouldn’t have so much eyelash fallout that you’re left with sparse or no eyelashes at all. Eyelashes are there to protect your eyes from debris. If your eyelashes noticeably fall out, you may want to talk to your eye doctor in Pittsburgh, PA, about possible underlying causes.

Allergic Reactions

You may not have any other allergies but still have an allergic reaction to facial cosmetics and creams. Experiment with going makeup-free to see if your eyelashes stop falling out at the same pace.

Nutritional Deficiency

Believe it or not, your eyelashes need nutrients to grow and be healthy. Not having enough of certain nutrients or not having enough in your diet can actually lead to eyelash loss.

Excess Alcohol and/or Nicotine

Both alcohol and nicotine block nutrients from being absorbed into the body. If you drink too much or smoke—including vaping—you could be robbing your eyelash follicles of essential nutrients. Consider making different lifestyle choices to find out if this improves in your eyelashes’ health.

Makeup and Cosmetic Practices

Wearing a lot of eye makeup or using eye creams and false eyelashes can affect your natural lashes. Although it seems negligible, the tugging, pulling, and friction from eye cosmetic applicators can exacerbate eyelash shedding. Using old or expired makeup can also cause infections.

Eyelid Infections

Conditions such as blepharitis, an inflammation of the eyelid margins, can cause eyelash loss. Infections can damage eyelash follicles and disrupt normal growth.

In Pittsburgh, PA, medical eye care services are available at Lappen Eye Care. We also have offices in McMurray, Greensburg, and Pittsburgh for your convenience. Contact us today to book your appointment.

Can You Get an Astigmatism from Pressing Your Fingers Against Your Eyes?

Can You Get an Astigmatism from Pressing Your Fingers Against Your Eyes?

Astigmatism is caused by the wrong type of curve in the cornea. Known as a refractive error, up to one in three people in America have this condition, which can affect people of every age. If you’re wondering how you get the condition, we’ll look at how it works and the most common reasons for it.

Can You Cause an Astigmatism By Rubbing Your Eyes?

Yes. Because the pressure can change the shape of the eye, you may be able to cause astigmatism in Pittsburgh, PA, from frequent rubbing or wiping of the eyes.

What to Know About Astigmatisms 

Here are a few facts of note about astigmatisms:

  • Your cornea is supposed to be shaped more like a softball than a football. When it starts to look like a pigskin, it causes the light rays to change on the retina. This results in blurry vision.
  • An astigmatism can also occur to the eye’s lens if it has an irregular shape. Called lenticular astigmatism, the condition has the same results as standard astigmatism. It should be noted that an affected lens is far less common than an affected cornea.
  • You’re more likely to be diagnosed with astigmatism if you have far- or nearsightedness. (Also, sitting too close to the TV has nothing to do with astigmatism!)

Schedule an Evaluation with an Optometrist 

In some cases, particularly with infants, astigmatism will clear up independently. However, for most people, it’s a more permanent problem. If you’re experiencing changes in your vision, schedule an appointment with aneye doctor in Pittsburgh, PA, today. At Lappen Eye Care, with locations in Pittsburgh, Greensburg, and McMurray, we can tell you if you have an astigmatism and what likely caused it.