Why Are My Eyes So Itchy?

Itchy eyes aren’t usually a source for major concern, but it is a nuisance. Itchy eyes can get in the way of seeing properly, being able to complete tasks and even prevent you from getting a good night’s rest. Some of the most common reasons for itchy eyes are:

Seasonal Allergies
Even if you don’t consider yourself to have allergies, your eyes can be more sensitive to seasonal allergies. If you are also experiencing other symptoms like sneezing or a runny nose, allergies may be the cause. An over-the-counter antihistamine might offer relief.

Poor Content Lens Hygiene
If your contact lenses aren’t properly cleaned and sanitized, they can cause eye irritation and itchiness. It might be time for a new contact lens case, a fresh bottle of contact cleaning solution or a new set of contact lenses. See your eye doctor for contact lenses in Greensburg, PA for an eye exam and an up-to-date contact lens prescription.

Dry Eye Syndrome
If your itchy eyes are accompanied by a sandy, scratchy sensation, redness or other discomfort, you may have dry eye syndrome. This is a condition where your eyes don’t produce sufficient lubrication. See your Greensburg, PA eye doctor for treatment.

Pink Eye
One of the main symptoms of pink eye, or conjunctivitis, is itchy eyes. This is a contagious infection that also causes inflammation, watery eye and the tell-tale pink tint to the whites of the eye. You’ll want to book an emergency appointment with your eye doctor for treatment.

Several types of eye infection can cause itchiness in the eyes. If none of the reasons listed above seem to be the problem, it’s possible you have an infection of some kind that needs to be treated by a professional.

Any eye itchiness that interferes with your daily life or becomes chronic should be treated by your eye doctor in Greensburg, PA. Contact us today to book your appointment.

When Should You See an Eye Doctor About Eye Allergies?

When Should You See an Eye Doctor About Eye Allergies?

Eye allergies aren’t allergies that are specific to the eyes. Rather, the term eye allergy is used when an allergen causes symptoms that present in the eyes. The eye symptoms may also show up in other areas, like the skin or respiratory system. Eye allergies are common in all areas of the United States, including Pittsburgh, Greensburg and McMurray, Pennsylvania.

Symptoms of Eye Allergies

Symptoms of eye allergies include things like:

  • Itchy eyes
  • Gritty sensation
  • Watery eyes
  • Swollen eye tissue/eyelids
  • Redness in the whites of the eyes

Most eye allergy symptoms go away on their own after a day or two or a week. The symptoms usually disappear when the allergen disappears, such as in the case with seasonal allergens like pollen. But there are times when your eye allergies require the help of an eye doctor in Pittsburg, PA.

When to Consult an Eye Doctor About Eye Allergies

The problem with eye allergy symptoms is that they share commonalities with other eye issues, like conjunctivitis and eye infections. The danger then becomes not getting treated because the person mistakenly attributes the symptoms to eye allergies when in fact it’s something more serious. Here is a guide for when you should see an eye doctor for eye allergies:

  • The symptoms don’t seem to be getting any better
  • No one else seems to be experiencing the same seasonal allergy symptoms
  • It’s out of character for you to experience eye allergies
  • Your eyesight is being affected
  • Your symptoms are so severe that they keep you from working or engaging in normal activities
  • Your eyes are actually painful
  • You have unusual accompanying symptoms, like heavy eye discharge or bulging eyes

If you have any doubt as to whether you should see your eye doctor, don’t take chances. Book an appointment with your Pittsburgh, PA eye doctor today to get your condition treated properly.