Do Most Eye Doctors Offer Emergency Services?

Do Most Eye Doctors Offer Emergency Services?

When medical emergencies can occur at any point and time, it’s not always easy to know where to go. Urgent care, the emergency room, your primary doctor: knowing who to call when time is of the essence can seem like a much more difficult question when you’re under so much pressure. If you’re wondering if most eye doctors offer emergency eye services in Greensburg, PA, we’ll look at what you can expect.

Emergency Eye Services

Not all eye doctors will be able to provide emergency eye services to their patients, even if they may be able to squeeze you in at times without an appointment. This is usually because they don’t have the staff to keep up with their clientele or because they may not have the demand for it. This can be a problem, though, for anyone experiencing a sudden loss of vision, pain in their eyes, disturbing eye flashes, or extreme double vision.

If there’s a time-sensitive emergency, an ER doctor or an urgent care facility may not know how to do anything more than treat the worst of the symptoms. Unfortunately, this may or may not solve the bigger problem. If you really want to ensure the best possible care for your eyes, it’s important to see someone who specializes in these matters. The best part is that most medical insurance policies will cover this under their plan.

Emergency Eye Doctors in Greensburg

At Lappen Eye Care, with locations in Greensburg, Pittsburgh, and McMurray, PA, our eye doctors offer emergency services to patients who want to address their medical conditions immediately. Whether your child has something stuck in their eye or your cornea is scratched, it’s important to see an eye doctor in Greenburg, PA, who can get to work immediately.

Why Scratched Corneas Require Emergency Care

A scratched cornea, also called a corneal abrasion, affects the layer that covers both the pupil and the iris. It’s nearly impossible to miss because the pain is typically both immediate and intense. Whether you poked your eye or a piece of dirt became trapped under the lid, the end result is about the same. We’ll look at what you should know about a scratched cornea and how an optometrist in Pittsburgh, PA, can help.

Common Causes 

Most people come to see a professional because they:

  • Had an unpleasant run-in with their makeup brush, pen, fingernail, etc.
  • Got any kind of foreign object in their eye, whether it’s sawdust or ash.
  • Rubbed their eye far too aggressively.
  • Experienced an eye infection.
  • Worn their contact lenses longer than they should.

It’s worth nothing that just because you have something in your eye, doesn’t mean that your cornea is scratched. If you can get out the foreign object without any lingering pain, there’s likely no need to see a professional.

Common Symptoms 

If you have a scratched cornea, you’re likely to experience the following:

  • Tearing
  • Redness
  • Blurry vision
  • A feeling of trapped particulate in your eye

The most common symptom is general pain, which is more likely to intensify when you’re opening or closing your eyes, or upon exposure to light.

Optometrist in Pittsburgh

Scratched corneas can be unbearable, and it can unfortunately be made worse if you choose the wrong home remedies. With locations in Greensburg, McMurray, and Pittsburgh, the team at Lappen Eye Care is trained to help people whenever they need it. Because a scratched cornea can happen just as easily at 2 a.m. as it can as noon, we offer emergency services in Pittsburgh, PA and the surrounding areas.

Does the Risk of Dry Eye Syndrome Increase With Age?

Does the Risk of Dry Eye Syndrome Increase With Age?

Aging brings with it some challenging eye conditions, including an increased risk of developing dry eye syndrome. If you live near Pittsburgh, Greensburg, or McMurray, PA dry eye syndrome can be diagnosed and treated at your eye doctor’s office. Learn more about dry eye syndrome and why the risk increases over time.

What is Dry Eye Syndrome?

Dry eye syndrome or simply “dry eyes” is a condition where there is insufficient lubrication of the eyes, resulting in discomfort, pain or even damage to the eyes.

Why Does the Risk of Dry Eye Syndrome Increase With Age?

There are a number of reasons why older people are more likely to develop dry eyes.

Reduced Tear Production

As you get older, the tear glands in your eyes may naturally generate fewer tears, which results in a reduced amount of lubrication on the surface of the eye.

Changes in the Quality of Tears

With age, the composition of tears often changes, which can make them less effective in lubricating the eyes.

Hormonal Changes

Changes in hormone levels as a natural consequence of aging can have an impact on both the quantity and quality of tears produced.

Prescription Medications

Certain medications that are widely provided to older persons, such as antihistamines, antidepressants, and blood pressure medications, can produce dry eyes as a side effect.

Underlying Health Issues

Some medical illnesses, such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and thyroid disorders, are associated with an increased incidence of dry eye syndrome in older persons.

These natural changes that occur during the aging process can all influence the health of the eyes. This is why it’s so important to get regular eye exams from your eye doctor in Pittsburgh, PA and surrounding areas. Contact us today to book your next appointment.

When Should I Be Concerned About Occasional Double Vision?

Seeing double is a relatively normal occurrence for most of us, even if it happens rarely. The medical term is diplopia and it’s defined as seeing two different images of a single item (regardless of whether it’s a person or a piece of furniture). It may go away with a blink or two or a good night’s sleep, but not always. We’ll look at the specifics of the condition and what you can do if you’re concerned.

What You Should Know About Seeing Double

Most people who have double vision won’t see their doctor for it, so it might surprise you that hundreds of thousands of people still visit a healthcare provider because of it. As one of the more common reasons to head to the ER, it should give you an idea of how often this happens.

Diplopia can sometimes be caused by dry eye syndrome or ill-fitting contact lenses. In this case, it’s as simple as an eye drop or a quick adjustment to fix it. Sometimes, it’s caused by something more nefarious, like cataracts or an iris abnormality. If you’re seeing double, it’s not unusual for this symptom to be accompanied by headache, nausea, or general blurry vision. If you’ve seen any type of change in the recent past, it might be worth a trip just for your peace of mind.

See an Optometrist in Pittsburgh, PA

If you’re getting blurry or double vision in Pittsburgh, PA relatively often, it might be time to talk to someone who can diagnose the issue as either innocuous or indicative of something more. At Lappen Eyecare, our doctors are here to treat the condition, regardless of its severity or underlying causes. Contact us to tell us more about your symptoms or to schedule an appointment.

emergency eye care

3 Situations That Should Spur Emergency Eye Care

Unsure of whether you should visit an emergency eye doctor in Pittsburgh, PA? Certain situations should spur you to make the call to ensure your visual health is protected. Take a look at a few situations that require emergency eye care.

1. Scratched Eye

One of the most common eye health emergencies, a scratched cornea can seem like no major deal. While your eye may burn and water after the corneal lens has been scratched, most people assume the issue will simply heal. However, scratches on the surface of the eye leave you prone to serious infections. Further, the potential scarring from a deep scratch can lead to long-term problems with your vision.

2. Swollen or Inflamed Eyes

Swollen or inflamed eyes can point to a series of visual health problems. If the eyelid is swollen, this may be a sign of blepharitis, chalazion, or something else. If the eye itself is swollen or inflamed, this could be anything from conjunctivitis (pink eye) to injury to the eye. All of these issues should be assessed by an optometrist.

3. Sudden Changes in Vision

Drastic changes in your vision that come about without a known cause should always be treated as eye health emergencies. Several things can be taking place within the eye or within your body that are detrimentally affecting your vision. For example, sudden changes in vision can be related to high blood pressure, but may also be a sign of high eye pressure affecting the retinal nerve.

Get Urgent Eye Care in Pittsburgh, PA

Just as an emergency situation with your body requires immediate attention, an emergency situation with your eyes requires the help of a Pittsburgh, PA eye doctor. Reach out to us at Lappen Eye Care to get immediate assistance if you believe you are dealing with an eye health emergency.

Temporary Causes of Blindness and Blind Spots

When most people think of visiting an emergency eye doctor in Pittsburgh, PA, they think of things like traumatic wounds to the eye. However, a vision health emergency can actually be less obvious. This is the case when it comes to sudden changes in visual capabilities. From blind spots to temporary instances of blindness, any major vision changes should be treated as an emergency. Take a look at a few causes of temporary blindness and blind spots.

Migraine Headaches

Migraine headaches have the ability to cause changes in your vision. Many migraine sufferers report having light sensitivity, but some people can also experience temporary changes in visual capabilities. An ocular migraine, which affects the retina, can cause short-term vision loss.

High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is one of the most common causes of temporary blindness. A spike in blood pressure affects the blood vessels that feed oxygenated blood to the retina and other parts of the eye. If this blood supply is disrupted, you may see spots in your vision or even temporary blindness in the most severe cases.

Acute Angle-Closure Glaucoma

When fluid in the eye is not capable of flowing as it should, it causes a buildup of pressure. This condition is what is medically referred to as acute angle-closure glaucoma. If the pressure within the eye is not treated immediately, you could be facing permanent vision loss. Signs of acute angle-closure glaucoma include blurred vision, halos around lights, and eye pain.

Talk to a Pittsburgh, PA Eye Doctor About Vision Concerns

Any major changes in your vision are a sign that something is wrong, and a Pittsburgh, PA eye doctor needs to take a look. Have you experienced blind spots or changes in your vision? Reach out to Lappen Eye Care to schedule an appointment.