Does My Child Need Another Pair of Glasses?

When you’re on a budget, you don’t want to overspend if you don’t have to. It’s why many parents purchase only one pair of glasses for their child for the year. However, there are a few reasons why you may want to be more proactive regarding their vision.

How Prescriptions Change Over Time
Adults and children alike experience changes to their vision as they age. However, children may experience bigger changes in shorter time periods. If your child is constantly squinting or complaining that they can’t see, this is an obvious reason to take them to anoptometrist in Greensburg, PA.

If the prescription has changed more subtly, it may not be as noticeable to either of you. When some children may need glasses in just six months, it’s important to pay attention to the signs. If they seem to struggle to make out shapes or read smaller words, they may need a new pair of glasses. Of course, you can keep the frames and change the lenses in this case (even if your child wants an entirely new pair).

The Nature of Children
Beyond the need for a new prescription, there are also general considerations to factor in. Children’s eyeglasses are designed to be strong enough to handle a little rough-and-tumble. Of course, even if they’re titanium-strong, they’re not indestructible. Plus, children have a tendency to grow, which can causeeyeglasses in Greensburg, PA, to become null-and-void.

See an Eye Doctor in Greensburg
Some parents might see their eye doctor more than once yearly because their child is changing. Others may just do it to have an extra set on hand. No matter why you’re looking for a new pair, Lappen Eye Care is here to help.

4 Ways To Help Your Little One Keep Track of Their New Glasses

Kids can have a hard time keeping their new glasses safe. If your child just got their first pair of glasses, it will be up to you to teach your child not to lose their glasses. As your eye doctor in the Pittsburgh area, we have suggestions that can help.

1. Establish Good Glasses Habits Early

Have your little one wear their glasses every day. Establishing these good glasses habits early can help your little one get used to wearing their glasses, so they’ll be more likely to keep their glasses on their face, and less likely to leave their glasses someplace where they might get lost. If you see your child walking around without their glasses, have them put the glasses on.

2. Let Your Child Choose Their Glasses

Get your child invested in their glasses by allowing them to choose the glasses from the eye doctor. If you’re not comfortable allowing your child to pick some of the frames at the eye doctor, pick out a few frames that you would be alright with your child selecting, and then allow them to pick from that selection.

3. Make Sure They Fit Right

If your child’s glasses keep falling off or slipping down, they may need to be fitted better to your child’s face. Bring them to the eye doctor’s for a fitting. Glasses that fit properly are less likely to get lost.

4. Make Your Child Use Their Case

When your child gets their first pair of eye glasses in the Pittsburgh area, they should get a case to go with their glasses. Teach your child that when their glasses are not on their face, they should be in the case. Do you have questions about ways to help your little one keep their glasses safe? Call us at Lappen Eye Care. If you think your child needs new glasses, make an appointment today.

How Can I Tell If My Little One Needs Glasses?

Kids who have untreated vision problems can have trouble in school that can lead to other problems later in life. Good vision can help your child read and succeed academically, which can help boost your child’s confidence and affect your child’s comfort in social situations.

In other words, it’s really important to ensure that your child gets treated for their vision problems, if they have any. The first step is to know the signs of a problem and reach out to the optometrist in Pittsburgh and Greensburg, PA. Here’s what to know.

What are the signs that my little one needs glasses?

If your little one needs glasses, you may notice one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Sits close to the television and close to the white board in school.
  • Squints or closes one eye when trying to see things up close, far away, or when reading.
  • Gets headaches when trying to read.
  • Rubs eyes excessively.
  • Has difficulty concentrating on school work.

Won’t my child tell me if they have trouble seeing?

Many children won’t recognize the signs of vision problems until they’re older. Getting your child to the eye doctor is important, especially if your child is showing any of the signs of having vision problems.

What should I do if I think my child needs glasses?

If you think your child needs eye glasses in Pittsburgh and Greensburg, PA, take your child to a reputable eye doctor for an examination and potential prescription for corrective lenses. Take your child as soon as you’ve noticed signs of a problem. Waiting can lead your child to struggle in school, and that can put your child behind from an early age. For more information about what you should do if you believe your child has vision trouble, contact the professionals at Lappen Eye Care.

When Should My Little One See the Eye Doctor?

Has your little one ever gone to the eye doctor in Pittsburgh? If not, they should! It’s important for children to see the eye doctor regularly. Catching vision problems at a young age can help your child meet developmental and academic milestones. In this article, we’ll talk about how often and when your child should see the eye doctor. Here’s what to know.

Eye Exam Schedule for Babies and Toddlers

Children should get an eye exam in Pittsburgh once before they’re 3 years old, and again between the age of 3 and 5. Once your child is school-aged, they should see the eye doctor annually.

It’s very important to catch vision problems as soon as possible, because vision problems can impact your child’s performance in school. Children who have a hard time seeing in school may struggle or lose interest in their lessons, which can impact them for years to come.

Know the Signs of a Problem

Sometimes it’s hard to tell when a child has a vision problem. Knowing the signs that your child is having a vision problem can help you decide when it’s time for your child to see the eye doctor. Here’s what to look for:

  • Squints when looking at certain objects
  • Sits close to the television or the white board at school
  • Struggles to read or stay engaged while reading
  • Often loses their place while reading

Benefits of Seeing the Eye Doctor

Seeing the eye doctor can help your child get the services they need to help them succeed in school and later in life. To find out more about how an exam can help your child, call Lappen Eye Care.

How Can I Tell If My Child Is Nearsighted?

Does your child show signs of a vision problem? Do you suspect it may be nearsightedness? This common eye condition can impact your child’s ability to see clearly, and may even impact their progress in school. In this article, we’ll talk about what you can do if you think your child is nearsighted, and why you should make an appointment with your child’s eye doctor in Pittsburgh, PA.

What is Nearsightedness?

Nearsightedness, also called myopia, is a condition that occurs when objects in the distance appear blurry, and objects up close are clear. Nearsightedness is a common problem that affects millions of people. In fact, nearsightedness affects as much as 30% of the population.

Signs of Nearsightedness in Children

There are many ways you can tell whether your child is nearsighted. Some signs to watch for include:

  • Sits close to the television and the front of the classroom
  • Squints when looking at objects in the distance
  • Gets headaches
  • Holds objects close to their face

Nearsightedness can impact a child’s ability to perform in school. Nearsightedness can impact a child’s ability to perform in academic settings, so it’s important to get your child’s nearsightedness diagnosed early on. Using corrective lenses to ensure that your child can see properly is one thing that you can do to aid your child’s progress in school.

Make An Eye Appointment

If you believe that your child is nearsighted, or if you believe that your child is struggling with vision problems, make an appointment for your child with their eye doctor at Lappen Eye Center. We’ll be happy to help you get your child the care they need. Call today to make an anointment for an eye exam in the Pittsburgh area.

My Toddler Needs Glasses. How Can I Keep Them On Her Face?

Trying to get a toddler to wear glasses can sound challenging! What may surprise you is that many toddlers can be taught to keep glasses on their face, if you use the right strategies. If you have a toddler that needs to wear glasses in Pittsburgh area, here’s what we suggest.

Be Calm, Put them Back On

When your toddler takes their glasses off, don’t get angry. Your toddler is behaving naturally for their age, and getting angry could upset your child. If you’re angry often enough, this could create negative associations with their corrective lenses.

Be calm, smile, and put their glasses back on. If they refuse to keep the glasses on, either because of a fit or because they’re curious, leave their glasses off for a while. Try again later.

Put Glasses On – Then Distract Your Child Immediately

Put your toddler’s glasses on, then give them a favorite toy to play with. If you can distract your child with something they enjoy holding and looking at, they may not be tempted to remove their glasses. Eventually, they’ll forget they’re wearing anything on their face.

Stay Consistent

Have your child wear their glasses every day. The more frequently your toddler wears their glasses, the less interesting the glasses will be. Eventually, your child will no longer think about taking them off.

Want more suggestions for getting your child to wear their glasses? Call your child’s eye doctor in Pittsburgh. Ask questions next time you bring your toddler in for an appointment, or just talk to the eye doctor over the phone for tips and advice.