Why Are My Eyelashes Falling Out?

Just like the hairs on your head, eyelashes sometimes fall out and then regrow. But again, like the hair on your head, you shouldn’t have so much eyelash fallout that you’re left with sparse or no eyelashes at all. Eyelashes are there to protect your eyes from debris. If your eyelashes noticeably fall out, you may want to talk to your eye doctor in Pittsburgh, PA, about possible underlying causes.

Allergic Reactions
You may not have any other allergies but still have an allergic reaction to facial cosmetics and creams. Experiment with going makeup-free to see if your eyelashes stop falling out at the same pace.

Nutritional Deficiency
Believe it or not, your eyelashes need nutrients to grow and be healthy. Not having enough of certain nutrients or not having enough in your diet can actually lead to eyelash loss.

Excess Alcohol and/or Nicotine
Both alcohol and nicotine block nutrients from being absorbed into the body. If you drink too much or smoke—including vaping—you could be robbing your eyelash follicles of essential nutrients. Consider making different lifestyle choices to find out if this improves in your eyelashes’ health.

Makeup and Cosmetic Practices
Wearing a lot of eye makeup or using eye creams and false eyelashes can affect your natural lashes. Although it seems negligible, the tugging, pulling, and friction from eye cosmetic applicators can exacerbate eyelash shedding. Using old or expired makeup can also cause infections.

Eyelid Infections
Conditions such as blepharitis, an inflammation of the eyelid margins, can cause eyelash loss. Infections can damage eyelash follicles and disrupt normal growth.

In Pittsburgh, PA, medical eye care services are available at Lappen Eye Care. We also have offices in McMurray, Greensburg, and South Hills for your convenience. Contact us today to book your appointment.

When Should I Be Concerned About Occasional Double Vision?

Seeing double is a relatively normal occurrence for most of us, even if it happens rarely. The medical term is diplopia and it’s defined as seeing two different images of a single item (regardless of whether it’s a person or a piece of furniture). It may go away with a blink or two or a good night’s sleep, but not always. We’ll look at the specifics of the condition and what you can do if you’re concerned.

What You Should Know About Seeing Double

Most people who have double vision won’t see their doctor for it, so it might surprise you that hundreds of thousands of people still visit a healthcare provider because of it. As one of the more common reasons to head to the ER, it should give you an idea of how often this happens.

Diplopia can sometimes be caused by dry eye syndrome or ill-fitting contact lenses. In this case, it’s as simple as an eye drop or a quick adjustment to fix it. Sometimes, it’s caused by something more nefarious, like cataracts or an iris abnormality. If you’re seeing double, it’s not unusual for this symptom to be accompanied by headache, nausea, or general blurry vision. If you’ve seen any type of change in the recent past, it might be worth a trip just for your peace of mind.

See an Optometrist in Pittsburgh, PA

If you’re getting blurry or double vision in Pittsburgh, PA relatively often, it might be time to talk to someone who can diagnose the issue as either innocuous or indicative of something more. At Lappen Eyecare, our doctors are here to treat the condition, regardless of its severity or underlying causes. Contact us to tell us more about your symptoms or to schedule an appointment.