Could You Have Age-Related Macular Degeneration?

AMD, short for age-related macular degeneration, is a disease affecting the eyes that can cause blurriness in your central line of vision. The macula of your eye controls how well you see what is directly in front of you.

AMD is a top cause of vision loss among older adults. While this condition does not cause blindness, weak central vision affects your ability to drive, read, or see faces clearly. The condition usually develops slowly over many years, but some people experience a sudden onset of symptoms and rapid advancement.

People with early AMD often do not know it because they experience no symptoms at first. By getting routine eye exams in Pittsburgh, PA, you can catch AMD early while still in the most treatable stage.

AMD Types

Most people who receive a diagnosis of AMD have the dry type. Dry AMD occurs due to the macula thinning with age, and it usually takes several years to advance to the late stage. No treatment is available once it reaches this point, but our optometrists will work with you to make the most of the vision you have left.

Wet AMD is not as common, but it progresses faster than dry AMD and is always at a late stage at the time of diagnosis. This type of AMD causes abnormal blood vessel growth that results in damage to the macula.

Common Signs of AMD

AMD is progressive and has early, intermediate, and late stages. Most people notice no symptoms until the intermediate stage of dry AMD. Some notice that they have difficulty seeing in dim lighting conditions and that their vision seems mildly blurry.

People who have late stage wet AMD report blurriness and that lines that should be straight appear crooked or wavy. Colors seem duller as well. Please schedule an appointment with our optometry practice in Pittsburgh, PA right away if you notice any of these symptoms.

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